Friday, May 2, 2008

The Start of Field Work.

Man, things have been so busy lately! Just as I decide to start back to work, it warmed up and dried up enough to start field work. So between work and farming, I haven't seen much of my husband lately, so Wednesday i asked my sister-in-law to watch Chloe for a few hours so I could ride with Levi on the tractor. The only thing is, it wasn't much of a ride. I only rode for the first few passes, then he made me drive. It was a blast. He started teaching me last year, and I love it. I love having a part in our own business. We are farming more ground this year, so he has hopes of teaching me so I can be on one tractor and he can be on the other to get things done faster. I love being a help to him!

My hubby on a tractor that my father-in-law painted for a farmer on my husbands milk route.

"Clover"(AKA Chloe Grace) 4 days ago. She likes to lick and chew anything she can. We think she might be taking after the Ruegsegger side and is teething right now.I can't believe that my little girl is 10 weeks old today! She is growing up so fast! I love spending as much time with her as I can, she is such a fun baby! I found a verse in my Christian Womanhood Magazine today and I looked it up. It says, "Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter." Ezekiel 16:44
Oh boy. I think I might be in for it! I better straiten up! Well, gotta go. Chloe is awake, and hungry!